Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Busy, busy

I realised that I've not posted anything since the beginning of the month cos I've been pretty busy lately. There has been an increased in the number of worship rehearsals since I was roped in for the Day of Prayer, ACK conference and Easter program on top of my usual sunday service duty. Plus, I had an impromptu part-time work for a friend. Together with my normal homemaking schedule, meeting up with friends and CG, a fortnight simply passed by too quickly. This week is jam-packed too: catching up with 2 friends, an Easter practice, the 3-day conference itself and a birthday party. The following are just some pics and a video to show you what we've been up to.

At our CG meeting
Joash played dress up as Bob the Builder

At the full month celebration
of Joshua's colleague's new baby

I simply love these enormous bibs that are both comfortable and useful
in reducing the mess that comes from the children's self-feeding efforts.

Joash's first Viking ride!
(Unfortunately the video is not clear enough
to show his delighted and animated face.)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Quick Succession

Jayna's teeth are sprouting pretty quickly these days. A new molar has emerged and I can see a cuspid and another molar peeking out of the gums. I'll have to update the chart again pretty soon.

P/S: I wonder why her first molars tend to come out before the cuspids. Hmm...

Brave New Girl

Say 'goodbye' to the timid Jayna and 'hello' to the daring girl! Ever since she has started going to school, Jayna has become more and more adventurous and independent. Yay!!!

She is now able to explore and have fun at the playground without my constant companionship as long as I am within sight. She doesn't cry anymore when we leave after dropping her off at school and when we pick her up. Joshua even commented that she seems a more cheerful girl than before. She has become courageous and I'm so proud of her. Looks like cutting her from the apron's strings helped accelerate her growth. Praise God!

Although she still wants to be carried pretty often, she has already made such wonderful improvement that we don't mind indulging her in this aspect. May the Lord continue to help her grow in maturity. *beam*

Here's a video of her having a great
time on the rocking horse. Enjoy!