Thursday, April 2, 2009


Thank God that after 2 weeks, Joash had gotten used to his toddler's bed and has been sleeping through the night for the past month. Soon, we're going into phase two of our operation Big Boy: Showering Joash while standing without using the bathtub.

All the "equipment" is already in place (bath mat, stool, foam alphabets to stick to the wall for enjoyment, lamp for his room where we'll put on his PJs etc.) but I'm rather pensive about it as I foresee great difficulty since he hates bath time and tooth brushing. We are also going to bathe him in the other toilet cos we are expecting him to run away without the bath tub to confine him since it's smaller and has less space for escape. Well, we have already postponed this transition for as long as we could so... here we go.... :P

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