Saturday, December 12, 2009

Report Card

Last Saturday, we had a Parent-Teacher Meeting at Joash's school and received his first report card. We're definitely proud of him for improving so much within half a year! The grading system is like this: Improving (I), Average (Av), Good (G) and Very Good (VG). When he first joined in June, the teachers gave him (I) for nearly half of the items. However, now he has (G) or (VG) for most of them! Well done, Joash!

Only the area of toilet training was an issue but I'm more than willing to wait till he is ready on his own cos he is already growing up pretty fast in other areas. No harm baby-ing him for a little while longer in this regard. I'm happy enough that he could tell us he wants to go toilet and does it successfully about 20% of the time without our prompting. May the Lord help Joash to continue growing well in His time.

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