Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

My first breakfast in bed... on my first Mother's Day with 3 kiddos! Orchestrated by my husband, (Ok, ok, I confess that I kinda cheated and gave him the idea in the first place. :P) the children came into my room when I just finished washing up and presented to me prawn dumplings for my breakfast, accompanied by lots of giggling, greeting me "Happy Mother's Day". I didn't exactly eat it in bed but my hubby took pictures of us all in bed and that's really precious to me.

Me and my brood

We celebrated with my mum, my brother & his wife on Saturday and had a gathering with my mum-in-law together with her family on the actual day. My mum did not dress up so she refused photography and we were too busy enjoying the great food to take pictures during the Sunday dinner so there are no photos with the grandmas to show this time. 

Ready to meet Grandma!

The tarts for Mother's Day

The older kids made some really nice stuff, taught by the Sunday school teachers, for me as Mother's Day gifts. I wore them proudly for a few hours before keeping them in my bag. Hee hee... 

Flowers from Joash
(I tied them
on my scrunchie)

Necklace from Jayna
(Yay! After all the accessories
that I've made for her so far!)

It is my prayer that I'll continue to be a good steward of my children and teach them to love, trust and obey God and set a good example for them to follow. Hopefully, I'll receive gifts from my children that are given totally out of their own volition in the future. Will they truly think of me as the 'World's Best Mum' when the time comes?

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