Thursday, April 11, 2019


My older kids' primary school gives out character pins to students who exhibit the traits which the school encourages them to cultivate. My no. 2 has been doing very well in this area and was awarded with 4 of those pins: Ambition, Self-discipline, Integrity and Respect. When no. 3 entered P1 last year, she clinched the Perseverance pin, demonstrating how she can use her head-strong personality for good. Now, we are only left with the last pin Empathy to form the word A.S.P.I.R.E. which is the full set of values the school embraces. I wonder if Joram will be the one getting that when he goes primary school next year...

In the end, it was the elder sister who received the Empathy pin before she graduated from primary school. Good job, my girl, for getting 5 out of the 6 pins!

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