Thursday, July 15, 2010

Growth Spurt

Playing with the yellow bouncy ball.
Playing with the hairbrush.

Within the month, Jayna has gone from timidly scooting around to full fledge crawling, pulling to stand, cruising and climbing the furniture. The speed in which she learnt to do all these is rather surprising. Unfortunately, she is no less dependent than before. Rather, she is even more demanding with her recent illness cum another round of teething. She wants my hundred percent intimate attention even when she's playing by herself!

Unlike her daring brother, Jayna was afraid to come back down to the floor by herself after pulling to stand. She would hang on till her knees buckled and she'd scream for my help to sit her back down. It was most hilarious to watch. After much encouragement from me, she finally plucked up her courage to try getting down herself by slowly, and I do mean slowly, squatting down. Now, she's getting better at it with much practice, though never nearly as reckless as Joash who simply plonked himself unceremoniously on his diaper-padded derriere in the past.

Here's a video of her recent accomplishments. Enjoy!