Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Toilet Trained

Finally! Joash is officially toilet trained during the day at 2 yrs 8 months old!

Of course, he does have accidents here and there but it usually happens only when he is too engrossed in doing something and can't bear to leave it behind to go toilet.

I've never pressured Joash into being toilet trained. Since last year, Joash had been able to notice his urge to go but he was not willing to go to the toilet especially for urine. Instead, he hid in a corner to do his business in his diapers instead. He was quite alright with pooping at the toilet with the training seat though. (You know the child-sized dettachable kind that fits onto the regular toilet seat?) So I shelved the idea and waited for him to be ready.

For the past few months, I had been asking him once in a while if he wanted to go toilet despite him still in diapers to test his willingness. When I realised he was willing to go with me to the toilet even when we were outside, I figured that it was about time we try to go without the diaper. So 2 weekends ago, we started letting him wear his underpants. We were pleasantly surprised that he did rather well with the exception of one accident at the end of day. Since then, he has been going diaper-less.

He is now able to go to the toilet, pull down his pants and climb up the toilet seat using a stool by himself. He doesn't even need the training seat anymore. He can also put down the toilet cover and climb up to the button to flush the toilet after use. However, he needs help wearing his pants afterwards.

Granted that many other toddlers have mastered toileting much earlier but I'm still proud of my son for learning to be toilet trained without too much stress on my part. Way to go, Joash!

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