Wednesday, June 20, 2012

To the father of my children

This year's Father's Day was a 'working' one for Joshua since my worship duty fell on that day. Thankfully, it was at the Woodlands centre and thus he only had to take care of Jaide for 2 services as the Sunday School allowed Joash and Jayna to stay with them for both services. 

When the speaker asked the fathers to come forward to receive prayers, I noticed from my vantage point on stage that Joshua was the only one with a baby with him. My heart swelled with pride and admiration.

People often marveled at my husband's ability to carry the children using the sling. To me, the fact that he knows how to do it is beside the point. More importantly to me, the frequency in which he was seen doing that serves to demonstrate how involved a father he has always been.

I hear many a wives who lament about the hands-off approach of their husbands and every time I hear that, I grieve with them and at the same time feel tremendously blessed to have Joshua as my spouse. When I was still single, one of the major criteria in looking for a partner was not simply for myself. I was looking for a good father to my children (I wanted many kids so this is all the more important.) I also prayed for one who would be secure enough in God's provision to allow me to be a homemaker and would seek to be a part the children's lives in every way possible. 

I got much more than I asked for. Joshua is not only a good father, he's a wonderful husband. After listening to the sermon, I'm even more convinced that his affection and devotion to me have set a great foundation of security for our precious children.

My dearest Bear Bear,

I cannot thank you enough for supporting me with every effort in my desire to be a homemaker. You have made my job so much easier by trying to come home early for dinner, bathing the children at night and helping out with the chores on weekends. I appreciate the many times when you took leave so that you could help out with the kids when I was ill or simply to give me some time off. 

Your learning curve was extremely steep but your teachability was incredible. Your heart was in the right place. I remember how you knew absolutely nothing about caring for a baby when Joash was born. I'm amazed that you've grown to the point of being able to handle all 3 kids by yourself now in merely 4 years. God has molded you beautifully to become more and more the spiritual and physical leader in our family. You impress me with your willingness to do the night and early morning duty before you go to work so as to give me uninterrupted sleep. It warms my heart whenever you read the bible and explain the stories to the older children.

I thank God that I married you, my best friend and lover on earth. May the Lord continue to bless you as you give sacrificially to your family.

Loving you soooo much,
Your Meow Meow

Jayna made matching ties
to wear with Daddy

A close-up of the tie

Joash's masterpiece for Daddy

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