Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Looking forward to seeing baby...

It is 4 days to baby's expected due date which is on the 11th of Nov. However, my gynae said that my cervix is still unripe and recommended inducing the labor if labor doesn't start spontaneously before the baby is overdue to avoid potential complications. I've always thought that the baby would come early so inducing is not something I really thought about much. After listening to the process of inducing, the whole thing just seems so complicated.

Although disappointed that it may not be a natural birth, I am growing excited about the prospect of finally seeing my baby. I am trying to brace myself for the pain that I'll have to endure to get him out but I am sure it'll all be worth it. God assures us in Phil. 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "

I will cling onto His precious promise and follow the gynae's advice: to meditate on Psalm 23 during labor pain. (And perhaps consider having epidural... ha ha!) His philosophy is that the birthing process should be as painless and efficient as possible to keep the suffering of both the mother and baby to the minimum. After much thought and prayer, I have more or less decided that if God allows the labor to begin naturally before my appointment with the gynae this Friday, I'll attempt to go without medication. If I have to be induced, I would then accept the full medical intervention including the epidural. I figured, no point trying to be a hero since inducing will intensify the labor pains...

This feels very much like my A' Levels all over again with all its mental gymnastics for all sort of possibilities and uncertainties. The only difference is that this will be a test of my physical endurance instead of the test of my mental endurance. I'm sure God will bring me through this test as He did many years ago.

I hope that I'll be able to share about my newborn the next time I blog. *grin*

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