Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My favorite time of the day

This is my favourite time of the day... when Joash is asleep! Look how peaceful he is... if only it will last longer. It is during these short snippets of time that I can do anything else: pack up stuff, update my blog, read emails, bathe, do my devotion, catch a snooze and eat in peace. (as opposed to eating with one hand while he nurses in my other arm)

At the moment, Joash is quite unable to stay awake for more than 5 min without crying. I shall wait for the day when he will be able to sustain a stretch of awake time when he can interact with me. I would love to read the bible to him and sing songs of praise to God with him... For now, I am contented with singing "Jesus loves me" and "He's able" etc to soothe him to sleep and pray with him while I nurse him. I pray that Joash will indeed grow into a man who loves God wholeheartedly. May God empower me to do as such!

This is his cot with the mosquito net. Just one sleeping time without the net, and he'll be "kissed" by the buzzers... I wonder why they like him so much. Joshua and I hardly get bitten. Perhaps his soft tender skin? Heh heh...

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