Monday, June 24, 2019


Joram ate up a bowl of noodles using chopsticks for the first time! *applause* 

This is nothing great compared to the many children who started using chopsticks way younger. However, most of them do not know how to handle them accurately. Call me a perfectionist but I would rather my children master the skill late then to use them incorrectly by making an "X" with the cutlery. In order for the kids to practice the right technique, I cut up foam sponges into cubes and bought the shorter chopsticks meant for little hands. It is only when they are able to do it without crossing the two sticks that I let them try with real food. 

My second-born achieved this milestone very quickly while my no. 1 and 3 could only start using them after they entered primary school, with my eldest taking the longest to learn. I'm happy that Joram is a pretty quick study too and thus we have yet another lifeskill acquired.

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