Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day 2019

We had a combined Father's Day celebration with my Dad this year. Because he enjoyed wearing the family superman t-shirt I gave him two years ago for his birthday, I thought to give him yet another matching tee for him. It was so hilarious that he pretended to be a boxer due to the hood the shirt came with and I took the chance to have the two daddies pose for a boxing match! May the Lord have mercy on my Dad and bring him to his salvation eventually.

Two year ago...

Ding, ding, ding! Round one!

Blessed Father's Day to you too, Bear bear! It has been exhausting and long-suffering for you to take over the care of the kids whenever I'm physically down with my health issues. I'm looking forward to an empty nest one day and we can just delight in our 二人世界 in time to come. *heart*

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